
19 | Any Pronouns | Artist

a being of pure autism

Art Status:

Commissions: MUTUALS ONLY (Working on a new doc, check back later)


Requests: no

Where To Find Me

i have other things but these are the main ones



  • please don't repost my art

  • Yes, I draw gore. As someone who was a victim of unrestricted internet access, I try to take the safety of minors seriously.  I'd much rather my followers be 16+ or at the very least 13+ given that they can handle sensitive content like this. Please scroll away, move on, and even block me if you do not like what you see.

  • I use tone indicators. tone indicators are cool but not required with me

  • no I will not join your audio drama. as much I appreciate people asking me to join them, I'm already in enough projects and honestly there are more reasons that are personal to explain here. I will only audition for audio dramas run by friends.

  • I don't fw DNI lists that much tbh, Just don't be a bigot or a dick to me and we're good.

  • There are specific people that I would rather not have interact with me, but I will not list them yet because they are well known enough to try to deplatform me if they wanted and they have before (with me and other people, yeah they're losers lol). If you're genuinely curious about who I'm referring to, dm me, but please be respectful about it.